The proper diet for a cat should include meat protein. Cats have a hard time digesting plant based proteins. Always read the ingredients of the food that you are giving your cat to make sure that it is mainly animal-based foods. You can even include a little cooked tuna or chicken in your cat’s diet.
Older cats should eat less than younger cats. Try not to fill the cat’s bowl completely with food either way. Cats will overeat if you put too much food in the bowl. Younger cats may need to be fed twice a day, while mature cats are fine with one feeding per day.
You should also clean your cat’s litter box often. Cats are fastidious and like things to be clean and neat, including where they go to the bathroom. If the litter box is dirty, they will go elsewhere. Cleaning the litter box also gives you the chance to look for any abnormalities, including changes in odors, color or texture of the cat’s bowel movements. The first sign of problems with your cat will show up in the litter box.
Brushing your cat is also important to keeping it healthy. Most cat owners don’t think about brushing the cat often, since cats like to groom themselves. But brushing your cat will cut down on those hairballs that seem to come back up just after you’ve cleaned your floors.
Your cat’s water bowl should be filled every day. Cats like clean water without any food in it. If necessary clean the water bowl out and then fill it with fresh water. You can even purchase a cat water fountain that will continuously refresh with fresh water for your cat. Water intake will be based on your cat’s diet. Dry food is only about 10% water, while wet food has as much as 70% water content. So if your cat primarily eats dry food, it will need more water.
Don’t forget to take your cat to the vet as well. While most cat owners don’t think they need the vet, even indoor cats benefit from a yearly checkup, to watch for any health problems that may come up. For more cat health tips follow us on Twitter!