1. Visit the vet for checkups. Humans aren’t the only ones who need regular checkups. Dogs, especially if they are older, should visit the vet a few times every year. Vets can check for signs of tooth decay and other ailments. Regular trips to the vet also prevent deadly diseases as they will be caught earlier.
2. Walk the dog frequently. The simplest thing you can do to improve your dog’s health is to walk him/her often. Studies have shown that walking is good for the dog’s physical and emotional health. No one, even dogs, want to be stuck indoors all day every day. Plus dog walks give the animal a chance to be social. Mix up the locations of your walks to keep things interesting for your pet.
3. Mix up the toys. Dogs love to be active, and one of the best ways to play with your pup is with toys. However, sticking with the same toys can become boring for the dog over time. Don’t worry about constantly buying new toys. Just rotate the ones you have. Swap a pull toy for a ball you can throw in the yard, for example.
4. Ease up on yelling. Anxiety is a big health problem for animals as well as humans. Dogs respond very negatively to stress. Train your dog in obedience at an early age and go easy on the dog when they mess up.
5. Keep up on your dog’s shots. Vaccinations are vital for a dog’s health. Ask your vet about the shots that your dog will need during its various stages of life.
6. Watch the snacks. We all sneak our pets some food under the dinner table on special occasions. While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional treat, avoid them becoming a regular habit. Feeding your dog too many snacks will lead to weight issues. Look for natural pet foods and keep a consistent diet.
7. Know your breed and type of dog. Mutts tend to live longer than other dogs. And smaller dogs have longer lifespans than big dogs. Pure breads have a lot of health problems because of inbreeding, so, you need to be extra careful with diet and expectations for those breeds.
Don’t forget we’re always here to help with any questions you have about your dog’s health. Contact us to make an appointment, and follow us on Twitter for more pet advice!