Microchipping is a relatively new technology aimed at improving the chances you find your pet if it goes missing. Microchipping has grown in popularity since the early part of the century. That’s because most pet owners know how skittish an animal can be. Anything can scare off a pet. Even something small like a sudden noise can send your cat or dog running. Microchipping is the safest and most reliable way to make sure if your pet runs you will be able to track them down.
While most pets wear collars, microchipping takes things a step further. A collar may come loose and be removed by the animal. But a microchip is a permanent fixture that will provide proper ID and make sure those who find your pet can return it to you.
How Does Microchipping Work?
A microchip is around the same size as a grain of rice. It only takes a few seconds to implant the chip into your pet. Any veterinarian can put the chip in your pet and your pet will never notice it’s there. The process of microchipping a pet does not cause any harm to the animal. There is usually a small one-time-fee to microchip an animal and the chip will last for the lifetime of your pet.
How Do I Find My Microchipped Pet?
Your vet will scan the microchip information that will go into a national database. If your pet goes missing you will need to alert the database. The national database will send an alert to local shelters, animal wardens and vets with your pet’s specific identification information. Once your pet is picked up its information will be scanned and you will be notified where to reunite with your animal.
Always make sure to register your pet and keep its information up to date. Any change in location (i.e. if you move) or phone numbers should be updated and sent to the national database immediately.
The staff at Quivira Road Animal Hospital would be glad to assist with your microchipping needs! Make sure you can track your pet and book an appointment with us for a microchip today!