Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been researching online about how to boost their immune system. Cardiovascular exercise, like dog walks, are proven to give our immunity a “jump-start” so to speak. Movement wakes up the body’s natural defense system, which is good to get active this time of the year, as we head towards cold and flu season. Cardio also wakes up the immune system in your pet, helping to reduce the odds of contracting cardiovascular diseases.
One of the best benefits of walking your dog consistently is improved mental health. Dog walking improves the mental health of you, and your pet. Dogs get stimulated during walks, and allowing them to stop and smell all the interesting scents is an important part of their mental well-being. In humans, walking the dog has been shown to reduce depression and isolation. Dog walks allow the opportunity for social interaction, in both dogs and humans, which is an important part of mental well-being. It also helps reduce boredom, especially in the winter months. So trust us, it might be hard to get out of bed and head outdoors in the middle of January, but you’ll actually feel better if you motivate yourself to do it! And, so will your pet.
Speaking of mental health, did you know walking your dog can reduce your own stress levels? Studies have shown over 90% of dog owners who walk their dog a few times each week report lower levels of stress, compared with pet owners who don’t walk their dog frequently, or non-pet owners. Exercise with our pets releases cortisol, which helps to reduce your stress, and also helps improve the bond between you and your pup.
There are several other health benefits for walking your dog. Walking improves the joint health in both humans and dogs. Even if you are older, movement is important to your joints. Humans and pets that don’t walk enough can have joints that become stiff and weaker. Dog walks also improve the digestive functions of your pet. Dogs, like some humans, like to “go” on a schedule, and consistent walks will give them the opportunity to stay on schedule.
As with any exercise program, it’s best to consult with your vet first. Talking to your vet is especially important if you have an older pet who hasn’t been active recently. Develop a plan that you can both stick to, and enjoy the benefits that come from walking your dog, not just this week, but all week long!
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