March 30th is Take a Walk in the Park Day and a great time to get outdoors and walk your dog. We’ve written ad nauseam about the importance of exercise for your dog, and at this point in the year the entire family is probably itching to get out of the house and into some (hopefully) warmer air. If you want to keep things interesting here are a few ideas for getting the most out of your dog walks:
Variety. Take advantage of all the parks in the area and don’t go to the same place too often. Short walks in the park near your home are fine in a pinch when you’re short on time. But when you have a day off mix it up and go to a few different parks. You and your dog will love the change of pace.
Time. Don’t rush, dogs like to smell everything. And the smelling is an important part of the walk for them. It increases the mental stimulation. A dog walk should take at least 30 minutes. Certain breeds, like labs, collies, hounds and shepherds may need longer walks. Variety helps play a role. If you have to drive a little longer to a different park, you will want to take advantage and spend more time exploring it. Breaking up the walks during work days is fine as long as it is consistent.
Training. This is something I never did and regretted it. Train your dog to be a follower, not a leader when you walk. It will make the experience much more pleasant for everyone involved. My dog used to drag me around, instead start young and train the dog that you are in charge and dictate the pace. Give your dog treats when she/he has a good walk and doesn’t pull you around. If you lead the dog after the walk the training will be easier. Walk in front of the dog. Using a short leash also gives you more control.
Bring Supplies. Clean up after your dog and while many parks have areas and plastic to pick up waste, bring some just in case. Make sure to have some food for longer outings and make sure that you have plenty of water for the dog (and you). Dogs can lap the water out of your hand or you can bring a small bowl.
These simple tips will help you get the most out of every dog walk. For more pet health tips like us on Facebook!