Dry vs Wet Food For Cats

Dry vs Wet Food For Cats A common question new cat owners ask is, “which is better for my cat, dry food or wet food?” While there may be some debate about the subject, the truth is they both offer different things for different dietary needs. There is no true consensus in the veterinarian world about whether dry or wet food has significant health advantages for our feline friends. The good news is you can’t really go wrong either way.

While you may need to switch your cat’s food at various points in its life, dry or wet won’t make too much of a difference. However there are a few differences in the two. Dry food is  most popular, in part, because it is more affordable. Wet food can cost over $2 per can for a fairly small amount of food. Good, quality dry food can cost less than $10 for a bag that will last awhile. Dry food is more shelf stable than wet food that is taken out of the can. This is useful for people that work long hours and need to leave out a good amount of food.

Dry food is more nutrient dense than wet food. That means your cat can get more calories from a smaller amount of food. Back to the economics of it, this also means you need to feed it more wet food than you would dry. However wet food contains more moisture content (78% more) than dry food. Prey that cats would consume in the outside world are about 70% water. A high-moisture food has significant health benefits for cats with problems like urinary tract issues, diabetes, or kidney disease. NOTE: These claims have not been 100% verified and more studies are needed to make concrete claims. But dry cat food has more than enough protein that your cat needs in its daily life to live a happy, healthy life. Dry food does contain more carbs, while wet food has more fats and proteins. Because cats need more proteins, again the advantage might go to wet food.

There are theories that dry food may be better for your cat’s dental health than wet food. But, at best, the only conclusive studies have shown that dry food produces slightly less tarter in your cat’s teeth than wet food.

You should never feel bad about feeding your cat one particular style of food over the other. If you have a new cat, or are thinking about changing the feline’s diet, always feel free to contact us to consult with our specialists and we’ll come up with the right diet plan for your cat’s needs.

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