We love all of our animals equally. But since it’s June and that means this month is Adopt a Cat Month. So for this blog we’re going to focus on all the benefits of adopting a new feline friend for your home. Believe it or not there are a number of proven benefits to adding a cat to your home. Here are a few reasons why you should consider becoming a cat person:
Cats Are Nurturing
Studies have shown that cats are great at calming us at stressful times in our lives. Cats help people cope with loss and help people recover from trauma more quickly. Cats are also very helpful with social support. If you’ve ever tried to talk to your cat you know that they are good listeners, and they don’t offer any criticisms!
Pet Owners Live Longer
Both cat and dog owners have a longer life-expectancy than people who don’t own pets. While cats require a little care, the responsibility of taking care of an animal, combined with all the social benefits, help improve our overall mental health.
Cats May Help You Get a Date
While many think dogs help you meet your significant other, scientists in Great Britain beg to differ. A recent survey by the Brits found that 90% of women said that guys who own cats are “nicer” than men who do not. So if you have a cat listed on that dating app profile, your chances of meeting someone might go up significantly. Just remember: the nice part has a lot to do with you too!
Cats Make Us Smile
Cats are great for LOL moments. They are natural explorers and some of their antics around the house will leave you in stitches. I’ve had my girlfriend’s cat, Rogue, in my life for 4 years now, and it’s never not funny to see her jump into the dryer after I put all the clothes in, or watch her chase me around when she knows I have snacks on me.
Cats Help with Heart Health
Cats are good for our heart. Because cats lower stress levels in most people, they help make our hearts stronger. A 10 year study by researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Stroke Institute in Minneapolis found cat owners were 30% less likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than non cat owners.
So adopt a cat, help save their life and with any luck they’ll do the same for you! After you adopt your new cat bring him/her to us to make sure your new friend is up to date on shots and will also give it a full examination. For more pet news and info like us on Facebook!