6 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween Pet Safety Tips Halloween is just around the corner. It can be an exciting time for kids and adults alike, but can cause stress on your pets. Some pets might actually love all the commotion. I know families that will take their dogs trick-or-treating, for example. But for the majority of pets Halloween represents anxiety. The constant ringing of the doorbell, strangers coming in and out of the house, kids who are very hyper, and adults who have to focus on keeping kids safe. Limit the chances of your pet escaping or causing harm with these simple Halloween pet safety steps:

  1. Keep the pet in a secure room away from the action. This is the best option for cats especially, but also for dogs who like to bark and may be prone to bite. Keep them in another room and away from all the action. Check in on them often to be reassuring that everything is okay and they are safe. Keep a TV or radio on in the room to help calm them. Once the excitement is over, allow them out of the room to explore the smells left behind.
  2. Look for signs of stress. Notice any behavior changes in your pet. Don’t dress your pet up in a costume unless you know they enjoy it. If there are any behaviors that seem out of normal give your pet a break away from people.
  3. Keep the candy outside. Another great option for pet owners? Don’t allow people to come into the house. Keep a bowl of candy outside and let people take from it using the honor system. That will prevent all the needless doorbell ringing and commotion that causes the most stress in pets.
  4. Don’t let pets near candy. While we’re on the subject of the sweets, keep all candy away from your pets. If you have kids who return from trick-or-treating, inspect all of the candy on a high surface away from animals. Chocolate is especially dangerous to pets. If one of your dogs consumes any chocolate it could be deadly. Instead give your pet some pet-friendly treats so they feel part of the fun!
  5. Keep the harvest away from the harvesters. Keep jack-o-lanters and other Halloween decorations away from pets. Pets can get sick eating too much raw corn or pumpkin, for example. And after a few days get rid of the decorations to prevent mold.
  6. Update your pet’s ID tags. Make sure that your pet’s IDs are up to date with the correct contact information. Microchipping is always recommended before big holidays and once you have that it’s simple to call and update the contact information. If your pet does escape it will make it easy for someone who finds your pet to return it back home.

Using these steps will ensure that your family, and your pets, have a safe and exciting Halloween. If your pet is naughty and finds its way into the candy, contact us immediately for an appointment. For more pet owner tips like us on Facebook.