![Importance of Taking Care of Your Pet's Teeth](https://quiviraroadac.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/pet-dental-health-teeth.jpg)
Most pet owners don’t realize the importance of dental health. Like with humans, poor pet hygiene can lead to other health problems. Kidney disease, heart issues and lung health are all tied to your pet’s dental health. In honor of Pet Dental Health Month here are a few other reasons why it’s important to take care of your pet’s teeth:
- 85% of pets have dental decay by as young as three years old. Dental health should start from the time of adoption, regardless of your pet’s age.
- Pets are hard on their teeth. As they age enamel will wear down and regular cleanings will help protect the teeth.
- Without regular care of your pet’s teeth, tooth loss is a real possibility. Your pet can suffer painful tooth loss without routine care of the teeth and mouth.
- Bacteria from periodontal disease is a big problem, because it enters the pet’s blood stream. That’s where the other aforementioned health issues can start to affect the pet.
- Dogs have about 42 teeth and cats have about 30. While baby teeth most often fall out, some baby teeth remain. Regular checkups can catch any gum irritation in your pet that might result from baby teeth hanging on.
- When your pet is examined dental problems aren’t the only thing the vet might find. Proper dental exams can find other issues that may arise around the gums and the rest of the mouth. Growths or wounds that are caught early will help preserve the life of the pet.
- Some dental treats do help the overall health of the pet’s mouth. However you shouldn’t replace dental examinations by a professional vet by only using dental bones and other foods for pets.
- If you notice your pet has unusual bad breath it could be a sign of tooth decay or other problems in the mouth. Other signs include: Trouble chewing, drooling, pawing of the mouth and loose teeth.
For many pets, occasional dental cleanings are advised. The vet may apply anesthesia to the animal for most cleanings and/or x-rays. Quivira Road Animal Clinic specializes in pet dental cleanings and we can develop a plan with you to keep up on your pet’s dental health. Make an appointment for your pet’s dental cleaning here and follow us on Facebook for more pet health news and advice.