1. They are loyal pets. Dogs get all the loyalty credit, but cats are just as loyal (some say more). Cats are creatures that demand affection, on their terms. While that can be off-putting to some, remember that cats are great companions for people who may not want the constant attention-seeking that dogs provide. And the more loyal you are to your cat, the more they will be loyal to you.
2. Cats are better on finances. Cheaper pets typically don’t last very long (i.e. goldfish and hamsters). But cats are in the family as long, or longer than a dogs, and aren’t as much of a burden financially. They don’t require as many shots as dogs, less trips to the vet, and far less upkeep. Food, littler, play toys, a scratching post, and annual checkup is about all you have to worry about with cats.
3. Cats are relatively odorless. Ok, there’s the matter of the stinky litter box, but cats don’t require as much cleaning as dogs. They take care of that themselves. And, for the most part, they smell better than other pets. You will almost never have to give a cat a bath over the course of its life, taking some of the maintenance out of your hands.
4. Cats are fun to play with. I love playing with my cat! Cats are a joy to play with, and have a better attention span than other pets. Cats are high jumpers, making them able to chase and catch things high in the air. They respond well to laser pointers and can chase it for hours.
5. Cats are great for Netflix nights. Cats are the best pets for busy professionals. We’ve touched on their lack of neediness, but cats are also great when you need to come home and turn your brain off. Cats are long sleepers (about 15 hours per day) so they’re more than happy to curl up on the couch with you and nap while you watch your favorite shows.
6. Cats are perfect for those who travel. If you like to travel, or take trips for work, you can leave a cat alone much longer than a dog. Cats can go several days without interaction. In some cases, your cat may even enjoy the break! Just make sure you have a feeder and plenty of water for the duration of your vacation. If you’re gone more than 4 days have someone check in every so often to clean the litter box.
7. You’re saving lives. The ASPCA estimates 3.2 million cats are in shelters per year. Over 850,000 of those cats are killed. Adopting a cat will save its life, and create more space in the shelter for the next kitty that needs a good home.
For all these reasons and more, save a life by adopting a cat from a shelter or rescue today! Don’t forget when you pick up your kitty you can bring it to use for micro-chipping, shots, spay/neutering, and a general visit to make sure your new friend stays happy and healthy. For more pet tips make sure to follow us on Twitter!